Rob Bryan

Programming for fun.

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Welcome to my GitHub Page. This is my personal GitHub account, where I occasionally spend some of my spare time tinkering with a few technologies that I'm keen to learn more about. I'm a programmer who enjoys living and working in sunny Adelaide, South Australia. Virtually nothing in my GitHub account currently relates to my day-job, but some of the ideas in my PowerShell Toolbox are inspired by and expanded upon in my regular work.

Life Long Learning

I tend to think of myself as an IT carpenter, where software is my material of choice.
I generally prefer to build small things for myself, like the software equivalent of cabinetry and houses over warehouses and office blocks. One of the joys of being a programmer is that there's always something new to learn, whether it be a new technology, or a new paradigm. I'm constantly surprised at how easy it is in this industry to suddenly be left behind!

I view myself as being pragmatic and an "agnostic" when it comes to technology. I don't mind what technology mix I need to use, but when given a choice professionally I tend to prefer a Microsoft-based technology stack over other offerings, and the new-look Microsoft just makes that easier these days.

The New Microsoft

I've always used Microsoft tools and languages professionally, but their attitude towards open source never sat well with me. This has all changed with the new Microsoft (or is that the new-new Microsoft?), which appears to be a dramatically different company. It's great to see them creating and supporting open source software, and even open sourcing their core technology like .NET and PowerShell. I'm not a Microsoft employee, but I am starting to sound like a fanboy.

If fifteen years ago someone told me that one day Microsoft would join the Linux Foundation as a Platinum Member, I would've told them to stay off the drugs!

PowerShell Toolbox

My PowerShell Toolbox is a personal repository consisting of a number of useful (to me) scripts, and code snippets developed while learning more about PowerShell.

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